The Twelve Monotasks:
Do One Thing at a Time to Do Everything Better is now available!
Get ready for a new way to:
build focus
be more productive
reduce stress
and increase happiness.
What is monotasking?
Monotasking is the opposite of multitasking.
Instead of trying to do more than one thing at a time, you give one task your full attention and complete it before moving on to the next task.
Why monotask?
Monotask to be more productive, happier, and less stressed.
We can get more done if we give our full attention to one thing at a time instead of doing multiple things at once. We can also build stronger connections to others and live happier, fuller lives.
How to monotask.
Do one thing at a time with your full attention.
Our “monotasking muscles” can be strengthened by doing everyday activities one at a time. Then we will be the ones who control where our attention goes instead of being distracted and spread too thin.