Eating is an essential daily activity that is often pushed to the background instead of being given our full focus.
Why is eating one of the 12 monotasks?
Eating is something we all do everyday. However, we often rush through meals because we need to get back to work, or we don’t really pay attention to what we are eating because we’re also looking at a device. We should monotask at least some of our meals.
How monotasking eating helps with everything we do:
By bringing our attention to eating, we can slow down, nourish ourselves, and cultivate awareness of multiple senses. The new approach to eating will help us at home, parenting, with social connections, and more.
What you’ll learn about eating in The Twelve Monotasks:
The eating chapter in The Twelve Monotasks discusses mindful eating as a means to rebuilding the connection to our bodies, to the food on our table, how it got there, who prepared it for us, what it tastes like, and the companionship provided by those sharing a meal with us.
What you’ll find about eating on the blog:
Eventually we may have recipes on the blog, but to start with you will find more information about mindful eating, and guidance on how to slow down and pay attention to what you are eating in our very fast paced world.