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Getting There.

What if during our commutes and travels, we focused on the act of getting somewhere and enjoying it instead of feeling like we always have to do two things at one time, often at great risk to ourselves and others?

Why is getting there one of the 12 monotasks?

Texting while driving is one of the absolute most dangerous things one can do and yet millions of people do it every day. Practicing this monotask may literally be a matter of life and death when it comes to driving. While the monotask was initially focused on driving, Thatcher thoughtfully expanded it to include a broader approach to paying attention while getting from one place to another.

How monotasking getting there helps with everything we do:

Getting to where we are going safely is clearly a good goal in life! Monotasking getting there also helps us appreciate our lives and conveniences and all who make it possible. We can be more connected and interested in the world when we pay attention en route.

What you’ll learn about getting there in The Twelve Monotasks:

The getting there chapter of The Twelve Monotasks offers a truly fresh perspective on why many feel the need to multitask all the time. By looking at the broader context of going from one place to another, this chapter is about looking for creative ways to reinforce monotasking whether you are behind the wheel or a passenger on a train, plan, bus, or other mode of transportation.

What you’ll find about getting there on the blog:

You will definitely want to subscribe to our newsletter and frequent the blog for ideas on how to monotask on the way to Mars!