Listening connects us to others, engaging our auditory senses, our brains, and often much more. Can you feel when someone actively hears you as compared to just pretending to listen? We can all tell when someone is not really present, and it hurts.
Why is listening one of the 12 monotasks?
Listening is a gateway to learning and connection. When we truly listen, whether it is listening to our kids, in a meeting, or out on a date, we connect to other people infinitely better than if our minds are distracted by multitasking thoughts and actions.
How monotasking listening helps with everything we do:
Listening is a skill that is helpful every day at home and work.
What you’ll learn about listening in The Twelve Monotasks:
When early readers gave me feedback on the book, I heard how the listening chapter provided invaluable insights and truly changed lives. Each monotasking chapter of the book includes a monotasking exercise or two—readers found the listening exercises to be especially helpful.
What you’ll find about listening on the blog:
There are lots of things to listen to in the world—the blog provides ideas for how to build your monotasking muscles while listening. There are also posts about the science of listening.