

Playing involves letting go of much of the intense concentration required for all of the other monotasks, relaxing our brains and fully inhabiting our bodies.

Why is playing one of the 12 monotasks?

Modern society is very busy and many people simply don’t allow themselves time to play. Often we feel guilty when we take time for ourselves, or we feel like we are wasting time if we are not multitasking. However, play is needed in our lives now more than ever, and it deserves our full attention when we make time for it.

How monotasking playing helps with everything we do:

It’s easy to skip play altogether, or to multitask while you play. However, if you monotask your play, you will see great benefits in overall productivity, stress reduction, and increased happiness. This will reinforce making time to play and you will be more effective in everything else you do with your newly enhanced monotasking muscles.

What you’ll learn about playing in The Twelve Monotasks:

The playing chapter in The Twelve Monotasks was a fun one to research and write! It is also a fun one for readers to explore how they can play and why it’s important.

What you’ll find about playing on the blog:

We believe that the playing section of the blog will be a hub for great ideas about how to play in the 21st century!