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Reading focuses our eyes and our brains in one place. By putting our devices down and picking up a printed book, we are choosing to monotask. Reading helps build your monotasking muscles.

Why is reading one of the 12 monotasks?

We should appreciate reading because it takes our full focus. Few activities in our contemporary lives require as much concentration as reading. Every time we read, we are building our monotasking muscles for future use in other areas.

How monotasking reading helps with everything we do:

Reading builds focus. That focus is needed in other parts of our lives. Many other activities we do these days fragment our attention into small parts, whereas reading expands it.

Plus when you read, you may learn something new and be entertained! It’s highly likely you will also increase your empathy, decrease stress, and slow mental decline.

What you’ll learn about reading in The Twelve Monotasks:

Each monotasking chapter in The Twelve Monotasks presents an everyday activity from a variety of new perspectives. In the reading chapter of the book, you will learn how to resist the urge to multitask while reading among many other helpful and practical insights.

What you’ll find about reading on the blog:

The blog is designed to bring updated information to readers of The Twelve Monotasks as well as those new to monotasking. The reading section of the blog features ideas about what to read, links to scientific studies about reading, and much more.