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Teaching strengthens our brains and builds a connection to others. It is not a task limited to classrooms, there are opportunities to teach throughout our lives. One of the best ways to master a skill or subject is to teach it.

Why is teaching one of the 12 monotasks?

We all have something to teach and an audience who can learn from us.

How monotasking teaching helps with everything we do:

Preparation to teach requires intense focus and recognition of the limitations of our own knowledge. By bringing attention to the act of teaching, we can strengthen our monotasking muscles substantially.

What you’ll learn about teaching in The Twelve Monotasks:

The teaching chapter in The Twelve Monotasks makes a clear case for why teaching will help you do everything better. There are also great insights into how you’ll know you’re good at it.

What you’ll find about teaching on the monotasking.tips blog:

Visitors who are not teachers will find useful information on the monotasking.tips blog about what they can teach and how to approach teaching as a monotask.