What if we isolated thinking as a separate task all on its own? Could our dedicated thinking time help us achieve more?
Why is thinking one of the 12 monotasks?
Thinking is fundamental to human life. In recent years, we have outsourced much of our thinking to our devices; it’s time to reclaim some thinking for ourselves, or to at least be aware of when others and technology is thinking for us.
How monotasking thinking helps with everything we do:
Monotasking thinking also brings attention to where we have outsourced some of our cognitive tasks to devices and other people in recent years, and how we can reclaim the most important thinking tasks.
What you’ll learn about thinking in The Twelve Monotasks:
For a constant thinker like myself, thinking is one of the hardest monotasks to practice. However, it is also one of the most rewarding when I can separate thinking time out on its own. Whether you are an overthinker or don’t think enough, The Twelve Monotasks presents new perspectives on this critical monotask.
What you’ll find about thinking on the blog:
The thinking section of the blog features recent studies about neuroscience and the human brain, as well as the insights of other authors and researchers on how to be more productive, less stressed, and happier.