What are Monotasking Muscles?

Our ability to focus and pay attention has been negatively impacted in recent years. Technology has something to do with that - we are constantly interrupted and distracted by our devices. However, we as humans have always had some trouble paying attention to one thing at a time.

The way we build our monotasking muscles is to do the things that we already do every day, but to approach them with renewed focus and commitment.

The Twelve Monotasks explains how to strengthen your monotasking muscles through activities such as Reading, Walking, Listening, and more. The great thing about monotasking is that you can do it anytime you want, you don’t have to go somewhere, you don’t have to take a class, you don’t need a teacher, whatever you are doing right now, you can monotask.

The other great thing about monotasking is that the more you do it, the more you will be able to focus and pay attention throughout your life. When you are able to better focus and pay attention, then you will know that your monotasking muscles have gotten stronger. Keep building them up so YOU can do what YOU want to do, and YOU get done what YOU need to get done.


Mental Health Benefits of Monotasking


The Battle for Our Attention