Why Twelve Monotasks?

The twelve monotasks that form the core of The Twelve Monotasks book are packed with guidance about how to do that one task with your full attention in order to not only do that activity well, but also to build your monotasking muscles and do everything in life better!

I came up with the twelve monotasks based on my observations and research about two things:

  • What activities are universally practiced with some regularity?

  • What activities can help us build focus, if we give them our focus when we do them?

You may not be a regular reader, or walker, or you might not get out to play enough. That’s ok. You may naturally find it easier to perform one task or another with your full focus.

The key is to start somewhere. Decide to stop multitasking and start monotasking. The book provides hundreds of ideas about where to start. The twelve monotasking chapters are rich in suggestions for how one can start monotasking and learn to resist distractions and multitasking temptations.


Why is Monotasking Challenging?


Mental Health Benefits of Monotasking