Monotasking a Hobby

©Thatcher Wine

©Thatcher Wine

Hobbies are fun most of the time! Whether it is playing an instrument, building a model airplane, or learning a new sport, we tend to focus our energy more acutely when we are working on something pleasurable.

Hobbies also provide a great opportunity to build our monotasking muscles while we get better at the hobby too.

Here are some tips for monotasking a hobby:

  • Find time for your hobby on a regular basis. Having a routine really helps make time for personal activities outside of work. Set aside a day of the week or a time of day that works for you.

  • Minimize distractions - turn off notifications and really try to monotask your hobby. You may be used to multitasking while working on your hobby (watching TV while you knit for example), give monotasking a try to see if you can go a little deeper with your focus.

  • Enjoy your hobby! Read the Playing and the Creating chapters in The Twelve Monotasks for more ideas about how to monotask potential hobbies!

Our days are typically so filled with distractions and obligations that it can be hard to detach from the fray and truly focus our attention on one thing at a time. Feelings of stress or shortcoming can mount up fast and only adds to the problem. Having an outlet for letting off the pressure is not only healthy, but can help strengthen your ability to focus on other aspects of your life better.


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