Play More, Play Often.
©Thatcher Wine
In these stressful times, with distractions and responsibilities tugging us every minute, taking time out for play is one of the most YOU things you can do. Not only is it important as a sort of release valve from daily stress, but it tunes you into a bigger picture of life, on one hand focusing in on a single task while at the same time opening you up to the energy of the universe - the very essence of Monotasking.
Here are some tips for how to incorporate more play into your life:
Set aside at least 20 minutes to play, plus any time you need to get to and from your play area, and clean-up time.
Choose something you love to do or have wanted to do for a while.
Set yourself up with whatever you need for this activity: a bicycle, a basketball, your dog.
If you start thinking about work, life, or anything stressful, acknowledge that thought and let it go. Don't judge yourself, it happens to everyone and we can work on becoming less distracted while we play over time.
Be present and in the moment with your full body, mind, and soul.
Relax into how good it feels to be immersed in something completely. Let everything else in life melt away.
Smile. Laugh out loud.
Tell yourself “I should do this more often.”
For more on playing and monotasking in general, click here.